Prof. (Brig.) Dr. Raju Agarwal
(FELLOW- Gynae Oncology)
Dear Students & Parents,
It is with sense of pride and joy that we welcome you to Career P.G. Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow. The foundation of this
Institution has been raised on the vision to make it a centre of excellence in higher education. The emphasis is on Tertiary
Health Care as it is premier Institute for referral services from the peripheral Health Centres in Government and Private sectors.
The Institution has been recognized by Medical Council of India and the first batch of Interns (2011-12) completed the One Year
Compulsory Rotatory Internship Programme with satisfaction.
The students are exposed from classroom to community for solving the existing health problems. The focus is on the student who has
chosen Career P.G. Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, to develop as wholesome professional globally competitive and locally
responsive and for that we have set lofty institutional objectives as you shall perceive once you enter the portals of this Institute.
The last few years have seen us working with a great sense of determination and commitment to have a fully accomplished and self
sufficient campus. We are well aware that this is going to be your home away from your own home and it is vital that the campus
provides an amicable and congenial environment, healthy for your growth and comfort.
Although you are here primarily in pursuit of good education and qualification, yet, we believe that, you should have adequate
opportunities for extracurricular activities, particularly cultural and sports. We encourage all such activities that will help
you to develop an all round personality and become an excellent professional.
At this juncture, it is important that you become aware of our expectations of you as well. As much as you have a right to stay and
enjoy the privileges in the campus, other fellow students who are here have this right as well. Hence, this institution cannot tolerate
indiscipline in any form including any acts of teasing, ragging or harm to fellow students, physical or emotional. Students who have
difficulties with their subject(s) are encouraged to directly seek counselling from the Head of the Department concerned.
They are further encouraged to contact the administration to obtain necessary help for improvement. As per institutional policy, it is
mandatory for every student to ensure 75% attendance in Theory and 80% attendance in the Non Theoretical aspects of every subject
besides meeting the required standards set up for the internal assessment examinations.
Having said all this, we want you to always remember that we as well as every member of the faculty, staff and management, measure our
success by yours and that our doors are always open for you if you ever need our help.
Best Wishes
Prof. (Brig.) Dr. Raju Agarwal